Finding a Low Maintenance Pet

When you are searching for a new pet, trying to find one that’s low maintenance can give you quite a lot to think about. For example, cats and dogs make wonderful pets, but it also takes a lot of time and effort to keep them happy and healthy. The cost of pet food and […]

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Simple Tips for Moving With Pets

There are questions that you should ask yourself when your moving preparations get underway. You need not leave your pets behind, right? But how are you going to approach it? Well, start with the health condition of your pets. It's important that you ensure your pet is in good health before you get out […]

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Top Reasons Why Pets Should Live Indoors

Why do we acquire pets? Is it for their companionship, their unconditional love, or to make them a member of our families? Consider the definition of a pet: 1. A domesticated animal kept for pleasure or companionship rather than utility 2. An object of the affections 3. A person especially loved or indulged; a […]

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Travel and the Recognition of Pets

At last pets are being recognized by the Department of Transportation, airlines, airports, hotels, restaurants, and other establishments. May 13, 2009 the Department of Transportation established regulations designed to assist passengers with service animals. All airlines must make certain there are pet relief areas and airports have been instructed to work with the airlines […]

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Pets and Environment

Do you have pets in your home? Do you have children in your home? Did you ever watch your pets interact with the family. Did you ever notice your children acting the same way under the same circumstances? Keep Reading. What is so amazing about studying your pets is the fact that children and […]

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