3 Main Causes of Kernel Errors

A kernel error is a failure in some code critical to Windows. If you have ever encountered a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD), then you have seen a kernel error. Windows is actually several layers of programs made to work together. You can think of Windows as if it were your body, with many […]

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Examples Of Spyware And What They Are

Spyware is a general term used to describe software that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first. Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called adware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. That does […]

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Computer Cookies: Are They Good or Bad?

Explaining “Cookies” (the non caloric ones that reside in your computer!) You can’t talk about all those nasty ‘things’ that can ‘attack’ your computer while you are surfing the Internet, like viruses or spyware, without talking about ‘Cookies’. But what are they and are they really bad for my computer? Ok, first let’s define […]

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How an Audio Driver Works: Simply Explained

Are the words hyper text mark-up language and World Wide Web already triggering a headache? Some people are not really that computer-savvy and smart when it comes to details regarding drivers, software, and hardware, especially those who belong to the earlier generations. But being a non-computer graduate doesn’t mean that one must be totally […]

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The Sales Professional Creed

What does the term “Sales Professional” really mean? How do Sales Professionals define themselves? They have a set of values. They define their success not by the amount of money they earn but how they do business, benefit their company and their clients. The Sales Professional Creed was developed as a guide for serious sales […]

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