How To Recovery From A Virus Attack

Just why are viruses harmful? Because they cause damage to your computer components just the way biological viruses are harmful to humans. Some viruses can be harmless but annoying when they send silly messages or when they crash your computer system. But there are many viruses that can do great harm such as deleting […]

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Windows 7 Error 1079 Fix

While starting a service like Event Manager, Event Log, Remote Registry or Desktop Window Manager or Session Manager, you may receive error 1079 on your Windows 7 computer. In such a case, perform below steps: 1. Change Log On Type of the Service 2. Repair your Registry 3. Provide Registry Permissions 4. Repair your […]

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Benefits Of An Architectural CAD Library

CAD, computer aided design, is a software solution used in a host of industries around the world. Thousands of people rely on this software daily to complete their tasks effectively. Architectural CAD libraries can be highly beneficial when it comes to drawings for a new property, offering a host of benefits that you simply […]

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Why Is Computer Slow? – Spyware vs Viruses

Slow computers are probably one of the most common problems that many users have. The question is simple: “Why Is Computer Slow?”. One specific problem is the proliferation of spyware and viruses. These malicious programs tend to slow down the computer especially in the background. This article will aim to talk about the difference […]

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Benefits of Using An Android TV Box

An Android TV box is a portable device that can be placed near your television. The device comes with HDMI cable, power adapter, USB adapter, and USB cable. The functions of both internet and television can be enjoyed by using the same device. A new edition of the android operating system known as ICS […]

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