The Effect of Speed on Vision While Driving

Visual Acuity One of the primary effects of speed is to decrease for objects in the foreground, which are rendered unclear because of the motion and vibration of the car. Investigation has shown that this range of sub standard foreground vision increases by approximately 20 feet for each increase of 10 miles per hour […]

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History of the Honda C50

First seen in 1958, the Honda C50 Super Cub is still in production today, easily making it the world’s most popular motorcycle. Of course, many changes to the basic specifications were made in the five decades, but the basic appearance and design has remained true to the very first 1958 C50. A very small […]

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Auto Suspension Parts: Know Your Vehicle

Imagine that you are traveling in your car and you encounter a large speed breaker in the middle of the route that you have to cross. You feel uncomfortable because you are aware your vehicle has a poor suspension system. However, if you had effective suspension parts installed, there was no need to worry […]

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