Finding a Low Maintenance Pet

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When you are searching for a new pet, trying to find one that’s low maintenance can give you quite a lot to think about. For example, cats and dogs make wonderful pets, but it also takes a lot of time and effort to keep them happy and healthy.

The cost of pet food and veterinary bills can cause some people to question whether owning a pet is really worthwhile. However, a child can learn a lot from owning a pet, so it may be worth opting for a pet which is smaller and simpler to take care of.

Some people don’t consider the rodent family to be ideal pets. For example, rats have a reputation as sewer-dwelling, germ-spreading creatures of evilness. However, other members of the rodent family such as guinea pigs and hamsters can make wonderful pets. They are small, cheap to feed, and can stay in their cage most of the time. But even rats should not be overlooked as pets, as when kept in clean conditions they are fine.

Another alternative is a lizard. While they are not very affectionate, and they lack the cute furriness of some other small pets, they are interesting animals to keep, and can serve as a point of conversation when you have friends round. You could consider owning a small snake for the same kind of reasons. Small birds are also very low maintenance, and as long as you don’t let them out of their cage when you have the windows open, make for ideal pets.

However, the most low maintenance pet of all has got to be fish. You just put them in a tank and feed them regularly, and they look after themselves. Fish can be very peaceful creatures to watch, as they elegantly swim up and down their tank.