MLB All-Star Game MVP Award Background

Originally called the Arch Ward Memorial Award, since 1962, the Major League Baseball All-Star Game Most Valuable Player Award has been presented each season to the player who is deemed to have demonstrated the most exceptional prowess during the All-Star Game – also known as the Midsummer Classic – which is usually played on […]

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Why Children Prefer Kitten Games?

Are you seeking to give your child ample entertainment at home so that he can escape from the heat? Is your child fond of pet cats and you can not keep him indoors? Now you need not worry because with the advancement in gaming industry, the developers have produced many kitten games for the […]

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Playing Games

The role of games in human culture is a major part of who we are as a people. There have been many studies showing how game playing is one of the key elements in a child physical and mental development. A lot of the problem solving skills we develop come from playing games, as […]

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Choosing a Good Free Online Games Site

You might be surprised but most online game sites users are not kids, sites webmasters know that at least half of the users in those sites are adults- people at work, housewives at home that tend to get a little bored from time to time and many more grown ups that enjoy playing cool […]

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Dress Up Games- Modern Day Paper Dolls

You might wonder what there is about those Dress up Games that your daughter keeps talking about. You may dismiss them as mother versions of the old fashioned dress up games that you used to play with your mother's clothes. It's a bit like that, but dues to the nature of Internet, it's become […]

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Interesting Games to Play in 2018

While 2017 had its share of fascinating games on different platforms, 2018 is not without some excellent additions. There are a ton of games that you can find these days and play without having to pay anything. MOBAs or Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas have succeeded in spawning an entirely new genre and are some […]

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Free Downloadable Games

Cell phone companies like Nokia, Samsung and Vodafone have some of the best games around and they are super easy to download. These games are super-charged and fun at every turn. Cell phone companies are devoted to supplying their customers with some of the best games around. You actually may have noticed how Nokia […]

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