League of Legends Game Boosting

First, how about a bit of information on this game, League of Legends, that is all the rage. League of Legends (or LoL, for short) is what is known in this digital era as an MMORPG (massive multi-player online role playing game). The basic objective in the game is to use various strategies to […]

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The Zombie Gaming Market

The zombie game market is going nowhere but up. Let's take a look at the facts. One many zombie related games came out in abundance in the past 5 years or so. Second, so many zombie mods and user created items have come out for regular games. Thirdly, the undead culture itself is already […]

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PC Gaming Industry Slowly Dying

By now, the decline of the PC gaming industry should be evident to PC gamers around the world. Part of the decline was due to the new interest in next-generation gaming consoles (XBox 360, PS3, Wii), but sadly, another motivating cause is the continuing piracy of PC games. As far as I can tell, […]

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Top 5 Birthday Party Games For Kids

Tips to remember Birthday party games: – When selecting a game, be sure to consult your kid. If they find it fun and approve it then take things to the nest level. If your kid won’t like the game, it is certain that he won’t enjoy it much. – Don’t forget to be calm […]

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The Amazing Run N Gun Football Game

Thanks to the technological advancements, there are many online games to choose from. They are also available in several categories for instance: sports, horror (scary), adventure and so forth. Arguably, there are very few sports games that give players the thrills and chills amongst them being Run N Gun. This is a very popular […]

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