9 Compelling Business Benefits of Gmail Cloud Computing For All Your Office Productivity Needs

Deploying Google's Gmail for my start-up internet marketing business has allowed minimal and secure IT administration of my 8 websites (28+ email accounts). Supporting a mixed operating environment which includes Microsoft, Ubuntu and MacOS, multiple browsers, and document file formats from Microsoft Office, Open Office is made possible and easier with an in-the-cloud computing […]

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Ten Reasons to Choose Laptop Rental

For many, the day inevitably begins with a laptop and ends with one, even though it is meant for personal use. It is needless to say that businesses thrive on laptops; Many schools and colleges have made the use of laptops mandatory for the students. While it is a universally accepted fact that the […]

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Gratitude and Why You Need to Practice It

You've probably heard a lot about gratitude, or sometimes you've heard the popular phrase, "Have an attitude of gratitude." Gratitude is an important characteristic to develop. However, it's important to realize that gratitude is far more than just expressing gratitude aloud – it involves living a life of gratitude. As President John F. Kennedy […]

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Tips to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi

In a recent survey, 75% of tablet owners and 57% of smartphone / mobile phone owners stated that they use public Wi-Fi hotspots. The number of free public Wi-Fi hotspots is growing, but not every hotspot can provide the protection of a private home network, data sent through public Wi-Fi can easily be intercepted, […]

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Organize Those Book Bags

Students start out the school year with a new book bag filled with pencils, pens, loose-leaf paper, notebooks, binders, pencil sharpeners, textbooks and so on. Each has its own compartment, too, at least at the beginning. As a former high school teacher, here's what students sometimes told me when it came time to turn […]

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Choosing the Ideal Laptop For Your Work!

Laptop computers are basically an alternative to desktop computers. They have larger screens, are more powerful, have faster processors and are portable. The best thing about any laptop is this portability element. You can carry it anywhere; it is just like a walking desktop computer. Smaller versions of laptops are the notebooks and they […]

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