The Heart of Your Computer

The Central Processing Unit (CPU), the heart of your computer, is located on a single integrated circuit (IC) chip. The IC chip also contains the memory (the data that you have created or captured and stored) of your computer. Some technicians refer to the memory as the brain, but a brain thinks, reasons, and […]

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Types of Lasers

The number of laser types is as many as its uses and the fields of medicines where it can be used. Technological advances have allowed man to endlessly find ways on how a laser can be used. So now, lasers are used in a number of ways to solve a variety of problems. Laser […]

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Best Video Editing Software

How to find the best video editing software for the home system? Your home movies will benefit from using the best video editing software available. Artistic expression is amplified by the editing programs that you choose to use. It is my contention that the best video editing software is the the software that you […]

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