Diagnose Types of Computer Viruses

There are different types of computer viruses, depending on the nature of the executable program and what the rogue programs actually do when they begin infecting a host system. Differentiating viruses and spyware Technically, spyware, malware and adware are not types of computer viruses. There is often confusion here; most users call all undesirable […]

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ThinkPad Laptops – Advantages, Features and Accessories

A ThinkPad laptop is a useful asset for any business to invest, due to its speed, reliability, convenience and security features. Their innovative designs offer key business solutions that enable businesses to increase productivity, while reducing overall costs of doing business simultaneously. ThinkPad laptops are great business tools for both large-scale and small business […]

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Oseltamivir – Beware Bird Flu

This avian influenza which is spreading with great leaps and bounds has really taken the toll of health from many but now no more of mass destruction, kill the virus through ostalmivir phosphate (tamiflu). This drug has been of great help in recovery from bird flu. Tamiflu speeds recovery from the flu. This drug […]

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Your Lifestyle and Hypertension (Part 1)

Hypertension is a chronic (long term) medical condition which is characterized by a persistent increase in the blood pressure in our arteries. This is why it is also called High Blood Pressure (HBP). We may have come across it in many literatures being referred to as a silent killer! Yes. It sure is one. […]

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