E-Recording for County Recording

Title, mortgage, and legal companies have numerous forms and paperwork for legal documents such as a public property record, mortgage, land record, title record, deed, etc. These forms must be completed and sent to the county recorder’s office. In the past these documents had to be processed, sent through the mail to different locations […]

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Privacy Issues Surrounding Biometric Technology

The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center have provoked in-depth discussion and study of existing security measures, their deficiencies, and how to enhance security to prevent similar terrorist attacks from occurring in the future. Biometric technology has risen to the top of the list as a possible solution. The government is not the […]

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People Verses Technology

With the recent upsurge of technology, many companies are employing these technologies in many of their operations including sales, record keeping and as far as customer service. Advertising and publicity are now done more effectively than ever, reaching more customers. Another big area that has also evolved with technology is customer service. Organizations are […]

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How To Select And Use A CD DVD Burner

CD DVD burners are available for all purposes, at a wide variety of prices. Some are built into your computer, some can be installed by a professional, while others are external and stand alone. It might be daunting when it comes to choosing the hardware that will fulfill your personal needs. But producing DVDs, […]

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Workstation Health and Fitness Solutions For RSI

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is now a major industrial disease affecting millions of people around the world. RSI includes conditions such as carpel tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis and tendinitis – often collectively referred to as upper limb disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, occupational overuse syndrome (OOS), computer related injuries or cumulative trauma disorders, or CTD. Often the […]

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Internet Backup Software

Internet backup software enables you to store your data on a remote server for backing up. It is also known as remote backup software and online backup software. Internet backup software programs are mainly used by large- and medium-scale companies and corporations such as banks and stock exchanges. Internet backup software is more advanced […]

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Power and Your PC

The power coming into a computer is the most critical component, and it may be one of the most overlooked. It is just taken for granted that it will always be there and working properly. A top of the line processor and ultra powerful video card do nothing if a system does not receive […]

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Computer Gaming Online Role-Playing

Computer gaming online role-playing is quite a fun spin on the old favorite of role-playing games that have been sold in comic shops for years. In a way, this is consistent with the expanding world of were our leisure activities are going as computers become more and more ingrained in our society and culture. […]

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