Asus Eee PC 1215n

One of the companies that manufacture not only computers but also its parts and some of its accessories is the Asus brand. They are also one of the top companies that have made a name on the computer industry. And up to now the Asus brand are still continuing in developing and new laptop […]

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Computer Software and Hardware Basic Knowledge

Computer software is what allows people to do what they need to accomplish in their everyday activities. A more complex definition of a computer software is; Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system. The physical components of the system […]

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Computer Security Training

Computer security training is considered as one of the hottest programs for the new millennium. It is a major part of information technology that prepares students to protect computers and networks. Computers under constant attacks from various virus programs and instances of frauds that cause the loss of millions of dollars annually. Computer security […]

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Computer Accessories For Tablet PCs

All computers, no matter their use and functionality require some extra add-ons to make them user- friendly and enjoyable. In simple terms, these accessories modify a computer's utility. Use of add-ons makes work on the computer simple and enjoyable. This ease of use is thought about by the increased functionality adapted from using adornments. […]

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What is Software Piracy?

There are several kinds of software piracy. The bottom line is when software is pirated, the developer does not receive compensation for their work. Effects of Software Piracy When software is pirated, consumers, software developers, and resellers are harmed. Software piracy increases the risk consumer's computers will be corrupted by defective software and infected […]

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