Repair Windows 7 Installer

In Microsoft Windows operating systems, the Windows Installer package is used to install, repair, reinstall or uninstall the programs. Most Microsoft and Non-Microsoft software uses the Installer to perform the setup tasks like installing, repairing and uninstalling the software. The increasing use of this utility has resulted in some errors too. Most common problems […]

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Beginner's Guide to Computer Forensics

Introduction Computer forensics is the practice of collecting, analyzing and reporting on digital information in a way that is legally admissible. It can be used in the detection and prevention of crime and in any dispute where evidence is stored digitally. Computer forensics has comparable examination stages to other forensic diplomas and faces similar […]

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Importance of Computer Accessories

Computers have become really advanced with wide varieties of accessories attached to it. We can define an accessory as a device which is attached to a computer but is not a part of it. The functionality of an accessory depends on the computer it is attached to. A computer has to be equipped with […]

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Super Computers for Our Earth

If you stay up on the Scientific Magazines and Journals you will know that NASA has come a long way in their research to study our Earth. They now have more data than ever before and can use this data with the aid of super computers to process it. In the past computers could […]

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A 1930's Computer

I'll never forget the day that my brother, who runs up his own department in a major software company, came to my house with a box full of computer parts. He told me it was time that I got with the program and join the twenty century. He built this computer right in front […]

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Types of Computers in the Market

Types of computers There are a number of computer options to select from in today’s computer and technology market. Today, computers come in different sizes and styles. Current computers are made in a way that they fit people with different needs and requirements. Apart from the initial desktop and laptop computers there are other […]

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Benefits of Overclocking Your Computer

There are many benefits to overclocking your hardware peripherals. It is said to benefit computer owners who have low end models. Overclocking increases the speed of any hardware peripheral more than the limit set by the manufacturer. By overclocking, the low end hardware is made to perform just as its higher end version does. […]

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Good Study Habits for Everyone

The question many academics and psychologists ask is why do some students do better than the others? Is it just IQ and genetics or there is more to it. No one will dispute that good studying habits has a crucial role to play. Studying is a skill. It is an essential skill all students […]

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