Latest Asian Style and Fashion

Asian fashion is something that attracts people from various parts of the world. In fact if you research a bit then you will come to know that Asian fashion is the fastest growing industry in today's world. Asian fashion has its unique trend and styles. The fabric and designs are contemporary, classy and easy […]

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Winter Clothes And Fashion Trends

Winter is the month depending on where you live in the world that is mixed with excitement over the celebrations but annoyed with the weather conditions and the constant feeling of being cold and looking your worst. Shoes, boots, UGG boots, knee high riding boots what you wear on your feet can greatly affect […]

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Winter Fashion Tips for the Curvy Girl

Winter is not just about layering up with cozy sweaters and a cute matching beanie, especially when you have those gorgeous curves to flaunt. Laced Bodysuits, cropped hoodies, curve outfits or studded denim; winter fashion for curvy girls can be so hot and happening. From finding the right skirts for women to creating a […]

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Top Fashion Trends for Plus Sized Women

In the not-too-distant past, plus sized women were expected to wear whatever clothes fit them and that was it. Today, that has changed and plus-sized clothes are some of the most fashionable clothing on the market. Unfortunately, some women are still stuck in a fashion rut. They do not know what to wear for […]

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Fashion Rule Number One: Less Is More

According to many fashion idealists, the human body is a work of art and that it is the best clothing that anyone can wear. Therefore, being comfortable in one's own skin is one way of practicing confidence no matter what you are wearing. For fashion minimalists, this is ideal because of the cliché that […]

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A Week Full of Fashion

Fashion week is a week-long event that is held to commemorate the fashion industry and the cogs that keep the wheel moving. Fashion designers, brands and houses display the latest and best of their collection via runway shows. Buyers and the media are prominently present during this activity and this helps the designers to […]

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