Poop Bags For a Doggie

Our society has come a long way in the last few years. People everywhere are using poop bags to clean up after their dogs and some cities are actually providing these bags at public parks and on public trails. There are over 77 million dog owners in the United States and it looks like […]

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Clothes For Short People

It is fair to say that, for shorter people, shopping for suitable clothing can sometimes be a chore. This is because many are ignorant of the need to choose garments carefully and to avoid styles that make the wearer look even shorter and fatter than they already are. This can be a recipe for […]

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Ironing a Shirt, the Best Way!

There are not many people who look forward to doing the ironing: especially the shirts. Some lucky tykes have a domestic cleaner, who swooshes in and does the ironing for them. The rest of us just have to battle – or iron – on. The industry knows how unsuccessful ironing can be and has […]

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A Brief History of the T-Shirt

Today, the T-shirt is one of the most universally recognized wardrobe fixtures in the world. They can be found on every continent, and literally almost every settlement of humans owns and wears them. From high-end fashion in New York and London to donations in third world countries, the T-shirt is a mainstay of apparel. […]

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The Demand For Scrubs Apparel Continues Apace

Scrubs apparel and nursing uniforms have become hot-selling items these days. The nursing profession has seen a huge rise in popularity in recent times, and this has led to massive sales in scrubs apparel. This massive growth in sales is not surprising – nurses, wherever they work, need uniforms, and most of them need […]

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