Unconscious Communication Signals For Swingers

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Recognition of feminine U.C.S. for swinging males.

Whether a male is single or part of a swinger couple, he will need to recognise feminine U.C.S. in swinger lifestyle encounters with single females or swinger couples.

A very important consideration to realise right from the start is that it is “clusters” of U.C.S. that we need to look out for. Isolated occurrences of U.C.S. do not necessarily have any meaning in themselves. So the rule here is to patiently observe the signals and only be attach significance to them when they are being transmitted as part of a pattern of behaviour. Watching out for these clusters of U.C.S. is probably the most important observation to make during the early stages of a first-time swinger date or when making new contacts at a swinger party etc.

Eye contact

The U.C.S. that everyone is familiar with is eye contact. A constant lack of eye contact is strong evidence that a woman is not interested in a man but it would be unusual for any woman to maintain eye contact for the full duration of a conversation so remember to disregard the isolated incidences either way. Probably the most conclusive indication that a woman is uninterested in a man is when she refuses to return eye contact whenever he looks her in the eye. When this continues to happen, its almost certainly time to draw the meeting to an to end.

On the other hand, the more eye contact a woman gives and the longer the contact lingers, the more certain it becomes that swinging with her is a real possibility. Another strong indication is when she looks away with the flicker of an eyelash. Perhaps the ultimate eye contact signal is dilated pupils, If they are dilated, the chances are she is very interested and already becoming aroused by the prospect of having sex. Remember that all of these eye contact signals apply in situations where the woman is part of a swinger-couple as well as when meeting single females on their own.

The U.C.S. of lip and mouth gestures

A woman’s lips and mouth are used to send U.C.S. to indicate sexual intention and desire. A man needs to look out for signs like lip licking and tongue movements. But once again, it is a cluster of signals and not an isolated incident that signifies the encounter has reached an appropriate time to attempt a move the next stage.

Hair flicking – another U.C.S.

Women flick hair as another example of U.C.S. Here again, care needs to be taken when observing the sign. A one-off flick may be the consequence of an itch. It is repetitious flicking that counts. When this occurs in a swinger-lifestyle situation, it is almost always a overtly flirtatious gesture and a very strong indication of sexual attraction.

Manoeuvering shoes and feet

Men need to be on the outlook for dangling and manoeuvering of shoes. This is another potent, feminine U.C.S. During any kind of swinging-lifestyle encounter, women using this manoeuvre are signalling to the man that they feel at ease with him. But they are also likely to be indicating more than this. Sometimes the manoeuvre itself goes further too, resulting in the partial or even complete removal of a shoe. When this is the case she is probably signalling her desire to strip for the man. When this occurs on a date or at a swinger party, the man on the receiving end of the signal should respond quickly by moving straight to the physical contact stage.

Stroking of objects

A common feminine U.C.S. as feelings of sexual attraction grow, is the use of handy objects such as wine glasses to convey desire. Sensual stroking of the stem of the glass is probably the most usual example at parties, dinner dates, or other meetings where drinks are part and parcel of the event. However all sorts of other handy objects can be used in this way, so it is always worth being on the lookout for this signal.

Male U.C.S.

Generally, males give fewer unconscious communication signals than females, although some U.C.S. is common to both sexes. Eye contact is probably the most evenly shared one. When a man makes direct and prolonged eye contact with a woman he is likely to be indicating his attraction to her. In swinger-lifestyle situations, such as a date or when socializing at a sex party, a man who continuously avoids eye contact is most probably feeling uncomfortable or nervous. Sadly, men who fail to address this issue are unlikely to be considered good swing partners by swinger females or couples.

A man’s stance

Men can indicate their true feelings towards women by their stance. Adopting an open posture with shoulders back and head up is likely to indicate interest and self assurance. The stance also suggests dominance and strength and these are the masculine qualities that most women on the swinger scene find most appealing.

Another aspect of male posture is its direction. A man who is seated with his upper body pointing towards the female is sending a signal of being attracted to her. Conversely, the man who constantly keeps turning away or pointing his upper body, legs or face away from the woman, is sending out a signal of disinterest or discomfort. Even if he is interested and only uncomfortable, the conclusion that will be drawn is that he wouldn’t be much fun as a swinger playmate.

Male preening

The hair flicking described earlier is an example of female preening. But males preen themselves too. Any type of “appearance-improvement” manoeuvre counts as preening. For example, a male at a first-time swinger date may spend time fidgeting with his tie or flicking non-existent specks from his jacket. These are male U.C.S. indicating attraction towards the female.

Swingers need to get the balance right

Couples and singles who are new to the swinger lifestyle need to understand that U.C.S. is an important aspect of human social and sexual interaction. Without awareness of this it is surprisingly easy to come away from even the best swinger parties without having enjoyed their fruits. On the other hand, swingers need to wary of jumping the gun by reading too much into an isolated U.C.S. A swinger needs to find the balance between these two extremes. The way to achieve this balance is to look for clusters or repeated patterns of U.C.S. and to observe them in combination with plenty of good listening.