Recent health studies have shown that consistent, daily, low impact exercise programs can be much more beneficial. If you think that you can never be in good shape because you do not want to engage in strenuous exercise, then please read on. A recent eight year study of 13,000 individuals found those participants who walked just 30 minutes a day gained a significant increase in longevity as well as quality of life.
Over the years, walking has become a more popular exercise option, because it offers many health benefits, with out a lot of physical risks. Walking can help reduce body fat, blood cholesterol levels, resting heart rate, and blood pressure. Walking can increase cardiovascular endurance, boost metabolic rate, strengthen the immune system, and stabilize weight. Walking can help control and even help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and colon cancer when paired with an appropriate diet.
Walking is an easy exercise program to start. All you need is comfortable shoes, loose fitting clothing, and 30 minutes of your time. Start with a brief warm up and a few gentle stretches, then head down the road. Concentrate on good post while walking by keeping the head lifted and shoulders relaxed; let arms move naturally. A beginning walker can start by limiting the speed and distance, then slowly build as the body responds positively to the activity.
Studies show over and over again that regular exercise is the key to weight loss, health, and a positive out look on life. Walking is a natural and enjoyable way to get daily exercise, that helps shed pounds. Before beginning any exercise program, even walking, consult with your physician. Remember, everyone can take the right steps to health, wellness, and fitness.