How to Choose the Best Juicer

What makes a juicer best? The quality of the juice? The price? There are a fleet of juicers hoping to claim “the best juicer” title. The fact is, all juice is not created equal. The quest to find the best juicer boils down to getting what you pay for. A juicer review will list […]

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Looking For A Juicer Under $100?

Oster Juicers are famous for being an affordable juicer that gives quality juicing results. Often called “the best juicer for beginners” these juicers are among the cheapest juicers in the market today, all models being well below $100. Other advantages of the Oster brand besides the price include easy clean-up and storage, a reasonable […]

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Have a Safe Life

A recent survey revealed that 50% of American population is completely affected by the water borne diseases and its related problems. This increased worry has led to the boost in the production of water filters and its producing companies. With growing awareness now you can find array of house water filters floating in the […]

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Wind Power Kits – Smart Economics

Free wind energy is popular in places where wind velocity goes to about 11 miles per hour or higher. People who utilize this free power source realize the economical and environmental advantages of wind turbines. Industrial users build large wind turbines for their consumption. Residential users can resort to the cheaper wind power kits. […]

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Does Sex Really Begin in the Kitchen?

How does this idea of “sex begins in the kitchen” work? We know it doesn’t mean getting creative with the utensils and appliances, but what does a woman mean when she says romance begins elsewhere than the bedroom? These may be difficult things for men to really understand, but that shouldn’t stop us trying. […]

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Food Processor Safety Tips

A food processor is an electrical appliance that operates with fast moving and sharp blades and discs. Like other electrical equipment, a food processor should always be handled with care. Follow these safety tips to protect you and your family from misuse and harm. The appliance’s blades and discs operate and move at high […]

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Sore Throat

Pharyngitis is the term doctors use to describe sore throat and it accounts for 10-15 percent of all pediatric office visits. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis (GABHS), more commonly known as strep throat, is a primary concern of a person with a sore throat. GABHS is more common in children than adults. In both […]

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