WoW Alliance Guide

In 'World of Warcraft' there are two factions; Alliance and Horde. This is a beginner's guide for those who have chosen to play as the Alliance. In the alliance you have a choice of playing as the Draenei, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans or Night elves. Each race has its own advantages and racial abilities that […]

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World of Warcraft Transportation

The World of Warcraft is a very massive place. Going from one city to another would take a lot of time when no transportation is used. The horses and other creatures found in the game are used to transport people. They are referred to as mounts. Players should possess a basic riding skill in […]

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Priest Gold Guide

There are dozens of different guides out there that try to tell you a hundred ways to make your Priest rich in World of Warcraft – without actually telling you anything new. What's the problem with these guides? They all tell you the same tricks that millions already know, and are currently using. You […]

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Exciting Helicopter Games!

Helicopter games are full of action, thrill and excitement. In these games, you are given a helicopter which you need to control. It is quite easy to control these helicopters. Some games require the player to fly the helicopter without bumping into a single object, while others are easier to play, with the helicopter […]

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Attraction of Online Casino Games

Numerous conventional gambling businesses assembled on the sidelines as the Internet nurtured and faltered to get benefit of the fresh equipment for their industries. It wasn’t awaiting 1996 that a corporation named Inter Casino switched on the earliest online game. After the primary online gambling site had released, many corporations started hurrying to link […]

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Best DK Leveling Spec 3.3 – Unholy

Not sure what the best DK leveling spec for patch 3.3 is? Well, as always, Unholy is going to be your best bet. The spec has strong healing skills thanks to extra diseases (meaning better returns from Death Strike), high survivability, strong cooldowns, and a pet you can trade aggro with for especially hard […]

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Online Casino Beginners Guide

Since its inception several years ago, the online gaming industry has gone from strength to strength and joins thousands of players all over the world every day. Although some are professional and / or regular players, many are visiting casino sites for the first time and are unsure of what to look out for. […]

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