The Secret Algorithm Used by Online Poker Sites

It is no secret that online poker sites use an enormous amount of security and encryption to protect their software from poker bots, colluders, and cheaters. However, one secret they can not protect is the deterministic algorithms they use in their software that decides the outcome of hands. Furthermore, any person that knows the […]

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WoW Arena Tournament Aims Team Game or Cash Prize

Have you been concerned Arena tournament since the time of first qualification round has begun? Do you know the Phase 2 of 2008 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament has been going for the real team game? Perhaps you have already known the practice period, particular for qualification round, the unranked matches, which was scheduled […]

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Palisade Guardian Flash Game Review

This game is hosted by addicting games, one of the major flash game websites. Other popular flash game sites are MiniClip, Newgrounds, and others. This free flash game is a shooter. The game is long- about 36 levels (or days) – each level is a new day. The game has frequent technical issues however, […]

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The Best Sega Genesis Games Ever

Gunstar Heroes – This game did not make too much of an impact upon release, and was not every publicly publicized or markedeted. I only found the game by chance after buying it at a second-hand game shop. After these shortcomings, Gunstar Heroes has aged like a fine wine, and is appreciated now more […]

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8 Game-Changing Mobile App Trending Categories in 2017

The mobile-first world has brought a series of game-changing market opportunities for enterprises. Apps have become a prime information source for people ranging from buying movie tickets, online shopping, making payments, scheduling routine tasks and much more. From education to entertainment, business to banking, travel to health care, a range of categories has come […]

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