Diabetes in Astrology

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of the endocrine gland pancreas. When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces the appropriate amount of insulin to break down the sugar into glucose which is the main source of energy. Diabetic people’s pancreas either produces little or no insulin, hence excess glucose build up in the blood which […]

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Samsung E250 – Smart And Easy

The Samsung E250 is a part of the line of budget sliders recently launched by Samsung. Other members of this category are Samsung X530 and Samsung C300. Design wise, the Samsung E250 looks like a clone of another superior model from the same manufacturer – the Samsung D900. Infact, for an unsophisticated user it […]

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Age of Aquarius = New Energy Techniques

The Age of Aquarius has given us a new paradigm for healing. It is based on each human being taking responsibility for their health issues and starting the healing process THEMSELVES. The scientific eggheads, educators, and mathematicians have taken one of the greatest of God's gifts to mankind, the Laws of Quantum Physics and […]

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Carbon Nanotubes: Pros and Cons

Carbon nanotube or CNT is not a new term in the present scenario actually it is the allotrope of carbon sharing a cylindrical nanostructure. The length-to-diameter of nanotubes lies in between 132,000,000:1 and have very fascinating properties to be used in nanotechnology, optics, material science, electronics and other fields of science. Due to their […]

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Mobile Phones and Recycling

Are you done with that old cell phone you have been using for a couple of years? Before you throw it away, listen to this! First you should look at the metals inside the cell phone. There could be gold, silver, copper, and many other kinds of metals inside. Some of these metals are […]

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