Artificial Intelligence Around Us

During the 1980’s, in America there was much interest in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The great expectations of the 1980’s were followed by the skepticism of the 1990’s, at which time the limitations of capabilities of our current computers were emphasized. The skepticism of the 1990’s has now for the most part passed, […]

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LED TVs Versus LCD TVs

There is nothing called the LED TV but retailers and shopkeepers use the term, so the public sees the difference with that name. In fact, LED Televisions are just the same as LCD TV’s but the only difference being that LED TV’s use LED lights for backlighting instead of fluorescent lighting that is used […]

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A History of Your Office Phone

The office phone is an underestimated tool that business owners and employees probably don’t put much thought into. Due to advances in cloud computing and increased access to communication tools, we use the office phone every day without much thought about how it became such an integral part of our business communications. To get […]

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Plasma TV Technology

Before we consider the various plasma television sets available, let us acquaint ourselves with the technology that sets apart these television sets, from the conventional CRT sets. A plasma screen is made up of two sheets of glass. Plasma particles made up of xenon and neon gases fill thousands of tiny chambers between these […]

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Buy The Best Electronic Products Online

Everywhere you see, you are surrounded by the wonders of electronics, from the very start of your day till the end you somehow end up using an electronic product. The electronic products have actually become an intimate part of our life and with ongoing technological inventions more products are being introduced by the various […]

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Smartphone Vs Tablet – Pros And Cons

Buying a new phone is not an easy affair with so many options that are available in the overcrowded market. It becomes more confusing when you have to choose between a smartphone and a tablet. Read on to find out how you can select a device you actually need and not the one you […]

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