Preparing Your Dog for Traveling

Being able to take your pet on vacation is an exciting thought is it not? The mere thought of sitting with Fido on the beach basking in the sun is a thrilling concept. Are you worried about airlines and hotels not being accommodating to pets? Well you should put that thought to rest, because […]

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3 Popular Costa Rica Tourist Attractions

Costa Rica is 19,652 square miles of pure beauty and the perfect place for nature lovers to vacation. With 20 natural parks, eight biological reserves and protected areas, 25% of this country’s land is protected. This is more than any other country in the world. Whether you enjoy water, air or land activities, or […]

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Airport Car Parking and Benefits

Going on holidays is a great way to freshen up one's body and mind. Many airline companies offer attractive rates and packages to woo people who plan to go on vacation to some of the most beautiful and popular tourist places. Nowadays, more and more people are opting to travel by plane, and along […]

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