Soap News – Making Homemade Soap

If you are interested in making your own natural, homemade, goat milk soap then you should keep up with the best techniques, classes, demonstrations, community events, workshops and more. Where can you find all of this information? Look in magazines, newspapers, newsletters, community papers, local schools and more. You can find an abundance of […]

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Fat Transfers in the News

Fat Transfer procedures, where fat from one part of the body is removed and then inserted into another part of the body, has been in the news quite a bit lately. It is not a new procedure, but it has gained recent popularity as intriguing new uses are being explored. What is Fat Transfer? […]

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Need to Recycle Automotive Fluids

Over the years automotive recycling has developed into a big industry. This is because technological developments have given rise to processes which have made it possible to recycle most parts of a car. These days every part such as plastics, glass, different parts, fluids used in a car is recycled. Most of the fluids […]

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All About Knitting Yarn

Background………. Yarn is a string composed of interlocked fibers used in the production of textiles, crocheting, sewing and knitting. There are many different fibers that can form a knitting yarn. Cotton is the most popular natural fibre and wool is the most common animal fibre. However, other types of animal fibers are used too, […]

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Garden Tool Storage

Are you tired of rummaging around in cluttered boxes, bags and untidy garages searching for tools you haven’t seen since the last garden project or D.I.Y job around the home? Organized garden tool storage provides you with solutions to keep all your tools in one handy, easy to find place, that will also give […]

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