Kitchen Tools and Their Uses

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A kitchen tool can be defined as a small tool that can be held in the hands of the user and can be used effectively in the kitchen. It is used for food- related functions. On the other hand a cooking utensil can be defined as a tool that is used in the kitchen for the purpose of cooking. These kitchen tools are given their names based on the material that is used in their making. For example, tools that are made of clay are called earthenware, tools that are made of silver are called silverware, tools that are made of glass are called glassware and henceforth.

The most common materials that are used for the making of kitchen tools are copper, iron, earthenware and enamelware and also aluminum.


Copper consists of good thermal conductivity and this makes the copper tools very durable and attractive as well. They are however quite heavier than other types of materials and require a lot of cleaning to remove the old content.


Iron can be comparatively more prone to rusting. However the cast iron tools of kitchens are less prone to rusting. These tools can simply be washed with water and then dried with the help of a cloth. When you are storing any iron kitchen tool for a long period of time, you can simply coat them in a non-salted paraffin or fat.

Earthenware and enamelware

The earthenware kitchen tools or utensils are sometimes prone to brittleness when they are subjected to a large change in the temperature of their environment. This mostly occurs in cooking.


Aluminum has often been described as the best material that can be used in kitchen tools. It is by far superior to the other types of materials that are commonly used. This is because it has an extraordinary feature of good thermal conductivity which makes it non- reactive to a lot of food stuffs at high as well as low temperatures. However it has a disadvantage that it can be dis colored when it contains any type of acidic food.

Kitchen tools are extremely important for the functioning of the kitchen. You must purchase the best tools which you feel are the most appropriate for your use. These kitchen tools and utensils will help you to run your kitchen in an organized as well as in a comfortable manner. It is one of the important things to remember.