Tropical Wedding Favors

Home & Tools

If you are looking for a great way of celebrating the warmth of the season, along with the celebrating your upcoming wedding day, then a tropical wedding theme may just be the right idea for you. Your guests will appreciate the relaxing feel to the day, something that isn’t always present on a day that takes so much planning and preparation. Even if you can’t have a wedding at the beach, you can try and bring the beach to your guests through your choice of decor and the food that you will serve. A great way to get a start on your tropical theme is to choose the right wedding favors. Tropical wedding favors will not only be a nice reminder of the ceremony, but they will also make for a nice decoration to someone’s home.

Instead of giving someone the standard wedding favor picture frame, a frame decorated with sea shells will bring that tropical vibe you are looking for. Starfish designs will also add a nice touch to the normally mundane gift item. One of my personal favorite items is a beach pail candleholder with palm tree designs on the sides that allow the candlelight to beam through. That one is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Another great idea is to take a small item such as candies or flower seeds and place them in tropical themed boxes. Why stop at the beach though? Why not go out into the deep blue sea and use designs from the many wonderful creatures that it has to offer? Dolphin designs, a personal favorite of my wife, are very popular and a nice choice. Homemade cookies in the shapes of whales or starfish are another idea. You may want to stay away from sharks though; they probably do not fit the mood! Unless you really like sharks, if that’s the case then why not?

There are many possibilities in the world of tropical wedding favors to explore. Some may be as easy as choosing items that have soothing, water based colors. Hawaiian flower themes would be a great choice for decorating anything. One of the best things about all of this is that the color schemes are both relaxing and vibrant. Tropical wedding favors are simple, yet also stunning. Guests will be more than happy to accept these items as a thank you, and will be even more likely to display them due to their colorful nature long after the big day has come and passed.