Various Types Of Automobile Transport Services

Automotive & Industrial

An automobile transport service helps a car owner by moving his car from one place to another. In most cases, the move is from one city to an adjacent city. In such a case, the size of the automobile transport service is on the smaller side. However, the move can also take place from one country to another. If the destination is international, airplanes and ships are the primary choices for the transport.

You need to understand that an international transport can only take place via airplane or ship. This is the reason this article focuses on only the ones that take place on land. If you are planning to contact an automobile transport service for moving your car to a new city, you have a few options in hand. Let us look at these various types of automobile transport services:

Open Carrier Transport

This is the most basic type of transport option offered by a service provider. It is also the most popular choice among customers because of its cost effectiveness. Moreover, the open carrier method fits well to most shipping needs. However, open carrier transport comes with a major disadvantage. In this type of transport service, a car becomes completely exposed to nature elements.

Enclosed Carrier Transport

This is also a popular choice among customers. In this type of transport service, a car gets placed inside a container or a cargo van. Sports cars and vintage cars are the primary choices for transport via this service as an enclosed van or container can shelter them from natural elements. As a result, it is clear that this option is costlier than the open carrier transport.

Terminal-To-Terminal Transport

This is a process where a car owner has to deliver his car to the nearest shipping terminal to the service provider, and the service provider will deliver the car to the nearest shipping terminal to the new house. Once the car gets delivered to the destination terminal by the service provider, it is the owner’s responsibility to pick the car up and drive it to the new house.

Door-To-Door Transport

Unlike the previous option, this process involves door-to-door service. However, it is not literally picking the car up from the owner’s house and delivering it to his new house. Rather, the service provider picks up the car from a designated place nearest to the owner’s house and delivers it to the nearest place to the destination.