How To Save Your Marriage – 5 Tips to Overcome Low Self-Esteem


Low self-esteem can cost you your relationship as you continuously undervalue your own worth. It's not easy to raise your confidence overnight, no matter what all the experts tell you. But your future happiness with your partner will depend on how you feel about yourself, so it's definitely worth your while to invest in self-development and raise your self-awareness.

Here are 5 Tips to Help You Overcome Your Low Self-Esteem

Tip # 1 – Accept yourself as you are

With nearly 7 billion people on the planet you have to realize you are quite unique. Thanks to DNA research we now know we are 100% individual and not even identical twins have exactly with same genes.

So, my point here is to make you see why accepting your flaws and short-comings will help build your confidence. Nobody is perfect and you need to start believing in yourself and not constantly wishing you were more attractive, you weighed less or you were more popular.

Tip # 2 – Do not compare yourself to others

Magazines, newspapers and the Internet bombard us everyday with millions of subliminal messages trying to persuade us we need to lose more weight, become more fitter, become a perfect spouse, become a perfect parent and basically make us feel more insecure by the minute.

Chances are we'll never look like the perfect models they use in their advertising campaigns, or have the 'perfect life' they are living. In fact, you only have to look at the gossip columns to see how many 'picture perfect' models and actresses have made a disaster of their own lives … So stop comparing your life to their life, start accepting yourself as you are.

Tip # 3 – Face your fears

So, what's causing you to feel insecure? Is it because you think your partner will leave you for someone more attractive? Are you scared of being left on your own? Or is it a lot deeper than that and you go back to memories you had when you were a child when someone made fun of you?

All these thoughts may fill your head, and some of them may need addressing, so working out what exactly is causing your insecurity needs to be your top priority.

It's a lot easier to face up to your fears once you've identified exactly what they are. The reasons you are feeling low self-esteem could be for a number of reasons, for example:

  • Feeling lonely
  • Feeling neglected
  • As a result of bullying
  • As a result of abuse
  • Feeling you do not fit in
  • You've been abandoned before

Tip # 4 – Do not focus on what you can not change

Some things in life will be out of your control, so what's the point in wasting all your energy constantly trying to change them? Battling continuously against negative forces will only cause you to feel resentment, hurt and anxiety … so give them a miss and accept you can not change the world, just concentrate on what you CAN change.

Tip # 5 – Connect with people more like you

Perhaps what's causing you to feel low self-esteem is the people you're keeping company with. Jim Rohn , the famous motivational speaker once said, "You are the product of the five people you hang around with most."

Think about that … are your friends really supportive? Do they constantly make fun of you? Are they really aligned with your values? If not, get shot of them, and find other people who you feel more comfortable with and who accept you as you are, not how they want you to be.

The more you raise your self-esteem the better you'll feel about yourself and your relationship with your partner will go to new levels.