How To Install A Car Amplifier From Start To Finish

Automotive & Industrial

If you love good music blasting as you drive, then you probably know how irritating distorted music can get especially when you are trying to enjoy your favorite song playing on the radio. Connecting a good car amplifier is the best solution you can find to improve the sound system in your car. A car amplifier installation guide can help you do the installation correctly all by yourself or you can have the installation handled by professionals if you are not sure. If you are mechanically inclined and would like to try it yourself, then you will also find car amplifier installation tips helpful to get it all done successfully.

Step 1 – Choose your amplifier. No work should begin until you have found the best amplifier for your car. A good amplifier should make the sound louder and sharper and more crisp. The RMS power and number of channels are some of the considerations to make when choosing. Remember, a 4 channel amplifier is made to run 4 standard in-car speakers. A 2 channel or single channel/Mono amplifier is made to run one or more subwoofers.

Step 2 – Identify the amplifier location. When choosing where to place the amplifier, remember that it should be within 12 feet from your stereo receiver to keep interference minimal. Ventilation should also be considered. The best areas for the amplifier include the rear cargo area or under the front seats.

Step 3 – Get your amplifier wiring kit. There is no way you will get the work done right without the right tools The wiring kit should include important items such as grounding cable, power cable, signal cable, fuse, ring terminals, turn on wire, self-strapping screws, fuse holder and grommets. Other tools needed to install a car amplifier are wire strippers, wireless drill, panel removal tools like screw drivers and a digital multi meter.

Step 4 – Start the installation. Disconnect the negative terminal of your car battery to avoid electrification. The battery will of course be the power source for the amplifier and should remain disabled. You can then connect the power cable to the positive terminal of the battery ensuring the fuse isn’t connected to your fuse holder without a ring terminal. Drill a hole in the fire wall in a safe location at least 4 inches away from the vehicles main harness. After you’ve drilled the hole safely use a grommet that matches the size of your wire and slide it into the hole. You can run it through a firewall hole and under the carpeting along the floor edge before resting it besides the amplifier.

Step 5 – Set up a signal cable. Run the cable behind the empty stereo head compartment under the carpet and to the amplifier. Connect the turn on wire to the receiver and signal cable to the stereo receiver’s back and replace the receiver in its place.

Step 6 – Connect your grounding cable. Grounding is important to keep electrical hazards at bay considering that the amplifier does produce electricity. Attach an end to a spot on the amplifier and secure the other end using a ring on the car chassis.

Step 7 – Connect the car speakers. This should be done with a high quality speaker wire through the designated outputs on amplifiers and inputs on speakers. You can connect as many speakers as the amplifier can hold.

Step 8 – Finish the installation. Mount the amplifier using the self-tapping screws and attach the power cable, signal cable and the turn on wire to your amplifier. Install the fuse on the battery and close the protective sheath covering wired connections to it in case there is a sheath present. Start enjoying your sound blasts.