Hydrogen Engines

Automotive & Industrial

Hydrogen engines are revolutionizing the whole energy market. It is now simple and inexpensive for individuals to convert their cars to hydrogen engines. The market is becoming quite competitive. Of course a good guide is essential. Most come in at under $ 100. The majority will show you how to convert your current car to a hydrogen engine for less than $ 200.

Many people believe they are being ripped off by their local gas station. That is definitely not the case. The knee-jerk reaction is to glance at the gas prices advertised on their huge displays. It is then assumed it's the fuel stations who are profiteering. Everyone else in the chain makes far more. In fact, the statistics are remarkable.

For example, a recent survey showed that that is exactly what the vast majority of Americans believe. An incredible 22% believed that the gas station was raking in more than $ 1.00 per gallon of fuel. Another 41% believed the gas station's profit to be in excess of 80 cents per gallon. Only 9% thought that the profit was less than 25 cents. They were right.

That's a good reason to learn how to convert your existing car to a hydrogen engine. It's worth pointing out at this point that hydrogen engines are not going to affect your local gas pump station. They make very little in comparison to the oil and petroleum companies, not to mention the government. Most will take less than 10 cents a gallon. They typically take the flack from disgruntled customers, but that is quite unfair. The reality is that they have virtually no control over pricing.

If you are seriously interested in hydrogen engines, or water-fueled cars if you will, take a look at the figures below and see who's making all the money in the fossil fuel industry.

Approximately 73% goes to the oil producers, whether US owned or from Russia, Baltic states, the Middle East and so on. That does not mean the profit for them, it's simply the percentage of what you pay in gas prices if your vehicles, car or truck, do not have hydrogen engines.

In the US, about another 13% will be swallowed in taxes. Other countries are not so fortunate. Governments can rake in up to 60% in taxes. Imagine that! It could still happen in America. Are you becoming more interested in hydrogen engines and converting your vehicles to run on water?

A possibly surprisingly modest 8% goes to the refiners, who I believe do a good job.

The rest is left for marketing gas outlets and their running costs.

I hope you can see that there is little point in complaining to service stations about prices. Their profits are paltry in comparison with the other players. Most are privately owned by hard-working individuals. They do not need customers moaning at them for the shooting prices of petroleum. It is simply not their fault. Their main source of income is generally from the sale of goods in their shops. They do not want gas prices to increase; they want more people using their shops.

So converting cars to hydrogen engines will not affect these guys at all. Currently, hybrid cars or cars converted to hydrogen engines still need some gas. People will still be visiting the pumps and making purchases in their stores.

The main losers as hydrogen engines will become more popular will be the giant oil companies, refineries and governments. These are not the sort of institutions most of us would lose sleep over if their profits dwindled. Too bad!