Value of MCSA Certification for Professionals


Among many other certifications that are given by Microsoft, one very important certification is known as the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) certification. This certification was started in the year 2002. Even though it is a recent certification, but still it has succeeded to become one of the vital certifications in the field of information technology. This certification provides the fundamental skills that can be very helpful for pursuing a brilliant career in the information technology field. It is basically a middle level certification i.e. it is not designed for the beginners. Rather, it has been developed for those experts who have at least an experience of 12 months in the job market. Their experience must be in areas like operating of the network system, operating of the desktop, and the innate structure of the network.

Professionals, who can perform both the managing as well as the maintenance tasks equally well, can have a lot of advantages from this certification. Moreover, these certified people can also have a foundation for attaining another important certification, called as the MCSE certification. Therefore, after having the MCSA certifications, the motivated candidates can apply for the MCSE certifications in order to have higher qualification. This higher qualification will, in turn, help them in their practical field or the market.

Microsoft has been trying to withdraw this MCSA certification for some time, because now-a-days, more detailed and in-depth certifications have been announced by the Microsoft. However, this certification has not been withdrawn at all. The reason behind this act is the demand of knowledge about the windows 2003 server, which is an ever increasing demand even today. Now, Microsoft has finally announced that this important certification is not going to be withdrawn from the list of basic certifications and candidates can still apply and acquire this certification. Two ways exist for this MCSA certification, which are as follows.

1) In windows 2000 server.

2) In windows 2003 server.

Of these two paths, only the windows 2003 server is applicable to the candidates who wish to pass this exam within this ongoing year. From the next year onwards, windows 200 server will also be added in the course of this certification. But, for those candidates who have previously passed the exam in the 2000 server, they can directly go for the 70-292 exam of the 2003 server. Candidates can select one of the following two paths of specialism within the realm of MCSA career.

1) MCSA messaging on windows 2000 or 2003 server

2) MCSA security on windows 2000 or 2003 server