In Her Shoes

Apparel & Accessories

I can not tell you how many times I have gone to lunch with my girlfriend and listened to stories about her dating disadvantages. They felt like episodes out of Sex and the City. Seriously! The saddest thing is she keeps signing up for the same result. In some places, that's the definition of insanity; signing up for the same thing, expecting different results. Maybe it's the way she's wired or maybe she's just clueless. I could not figure it out so I set out on a quest. I wanted to make sure that I never ended up IN HER SHOES.

My first plan was to research matchmaking. After countless hours of combing the bookstores and surfing the net, I came upon a few interesting sites, , ,

This investigation eventually led to an even greater experience, meeting the expert. Zannah Hackett, author of The Ancient Wisdom of Matchmaking has simply taken the guess work out of finding the love of your life. She tells it like it is and teachers us how to recognize the obvious. It's true! We can not see the forest for the trees anymore. We might think we can but trust me, we can not. I do not care how many self-help courses you've taken or how many psychological typing systems you've explored, none give you a clear visual of people like this ancient wisdom. And I'm not surprised at our unwaryness in a world that has us believing we are enlightened beyond any man's ability to levitate. What with cell phones, tvs, tabloids, kids, traffic, bills and job demands, it's a wonder we can hear ourselves think at all. Who are we kidding? And my girlfriend is supposedly to find the man of her dreams amidst all this chaos? It's no wonder she subscribes to insanity. That's the norm these days.

Fortunately for us, Hackett very simply reveals this secret language that make sense out of all the senseless. She explains what we look like, what our polarity is, why it is we do what we do and why our relationships fail. She uses trees and cars and various different types of analogies and metaphors to verify and validate the realities of this incredible romantic language. Her book spends its time on understanding and solutions rather than what's wrong. She says we are all perfectly designed to be with another person, we've just lost the ability to recognize what stands before us. Our intuition is even compromised these days. She says no one needs to change, we just need to learn how to move. When women finish her seminars or sessions, they know what to look for, how to find him and how to keep him. They know how tall he is, what color his eyes are, if he's lazy or aggressive and why it is they must seek out their maximum attraction. They even have an idea of ​​where he works and what rocks his world. It's pretty powerful info and the real clincher is, women are the keepers of the relationship. This means, Zannah is giving it to women first.

The book is based on a 3000 year old wisdom, a lost language of matchmaking that has never been made available to women for purposes of finding the love of their life. I call it the "original recipe for love". It has all of the ingredients any single woman needs to know. It keeps women like my girlfriend from traipsing all over looking for Mr. Right, never really knowing what she's looking for. If single women, matchmakers, relationship experts and anyone else seeking positive results in finding the love of their live, do not get this knowledge, then they deserve to walk in uncomfortable shoes.

I guess, like with anything of value, there is always a bonus in gaining a greater understanding of love and how to love. With this knowledge, there is a very special gift that you leave with but I think I'll leave you guessing rather than kiss and tell. In fact, if you want find out, you can attend a seminar, a session and buy the book. You will not be sorry.

The next scheduled "Loving YOU" seminar is scheduled on November 12th, 2005 in Los Angeles from 10 am-5pm. To get more information visit: or call 760.809.7273 to pre-register. Pre-registration is $ 300 or $ 395 at the door. Register early because because seating is VERY limited.

I'll see you there and once we get the info, let's go shopping for NEW SHOES!

Patricia Rust

Award Winning Author and Screenwriter