10 Tips on Cooking With Your Kids

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Cooking with your kids is a wonderful experience, not only does it bring back your own childhood memories, you will be able to make clear impression and impact on your child’s life too. Kids Cooking, though it may sound interesting, Moms have to plan and take care to make sure that the kitchen is a safe place for their kids to try out their favorite dish.

It is important that in advance that you plan out the dish with your kids, and have the ingredients brought in and ready. One has to make sure that the dish that your kids have selected will be something that is easy to prepare and also that it will turn out well and will taste good too. This is very important as complicated dishes that do not come out well, will put your child off and she/he will have second thoughts about trying out a dish again. Moms, here are a few tips that will help you to make your time spent with your kids result oriented.

· Teach your kids good sanitary habits. The importance of washing their hands, and being clean, this is the first step in Kids Cooking.

· Sew an apron with your kid’s name on it. This will indeed make your child happy and feel the importance of being a little chef.

· Use utensils and cups that are unbreakable.

· Have the recipe written out in big letters and let your kids follow it step by step, it will be advantageous if you can get a cookbook for kids with illustrations. That will show your kids how to follow a sequence.

· Kids Safety – Keep your children away from stoves, keep the sharp knives and graters and other objects that can harm them out of reach.

· Let all your kids participate. Whether it is mixing or stirring, the kids love to feel that they have been responsible in the preparation.

· Start with recipes that are simple. Sandwiches, smoothies and dips can be a great start.

· Show your child how it must be done, but leave the work for the kids to do.

· Never leave your kids unsupervised.

· It is important that when the dish is done, that you lay the table with more care, with some fine china, and even a small vase of flowers will make your child feel that you are happy with what they have done. It is little thoughts that go a long way.

Appreciate your kids work. Praise and words of encouragement will bring more result and will keep your child happy and content. Expect a mess, and teach your child how to clean up at the end of cooking. This too is important aspect and will make your child feel that they are capable of more than what others think. Encourage, Kids Cooking, as this not only make the child content, but also brings the family together and gives you quality time with your kids.