Boutique Hotels – Much More Than Just Accommodation

Apparel & Accessories

The main and the most highlighted difference between a boutique hotel and a contemporary five star hotel is the feel of getting a very personal attention in boutique hotels. The staff of boutique hotels shows their deep interest in making your stay more and more pleasant. They are also habitual of providing special attention to their guests. It is often said that if you want to live like an emperor, stay in a boutique hotel. Usually, it is seen that the location of these boutique hotels are so close to the tourism hotspots of that city and this makes very convenient for the guests to visit those sites and come back to hotel whenever they want. These boutique hotels have one aim and that is to make your visit a cherished one.

As told earlier, staff of the boutique hotels take deep interest in your presence their. They are readily available to guide you on outdoor activities you can do in that area, sights you must see and the attractions of that town, city or state. By this, we can guess that when someone stays in a boutique hotel, he will not only enjoy the lavish and very imperial lodging but he also gets an assurance that he is not going to miss any attractions of the particular location.

There is no big story behind the dawn of these boutique hotels. The two very first boutique hotels of the world are the Blakes hotel in south Kensington, London and the Bedford in union square. These were two self-proclaimed boutique hotel and were opened in 1981 whereas the Morgan hotel in Murray hill in New York is believed to be the first boutique hotel receiving official acknowledgement. This hotel was owned by Mr. Ian Schrager and was started in 1984. Since then, countless boutique hotels have been opened all throughout the world.

There is no fix definition of a boutique hotel but major part of experts in this industry say that a boutique hotel should be a matchless style, a peculiarity in its architecture and design. They say that a boutique hotel should be beyond standardization. Its definition should be given by its customers and that definition sets the standard for that hotel.

The size of the hotel also plays an important role in deciding the description of a boutique hotel. A hotel having more than 150 rooms cant be called a boutique hotel because in this situation guests starts getting the experience they get in normal type hotels. This experience does not stand anywhere around the experience one can get in a boutique hotel.

Although every effort is made to make two boutique hotels totally different but still, they share very common characteristics. These characteristics are their locations, product quality, its popularity in market and its approach. If all these factors are of top class then it is sure that a boutique hotel will gain a huge success.

So, in the end, it can be said that in current scenario where no one will hesitate in spending money to get the best, boutique hotel is the perfect answer to all your accommodation needs while holidaying. There is no doubt that a wisely chosen boutique hotel, its comfort and services will coerce you to reiterate your trip every year.