Laundry Tips For Best Results

Apparel & Accessories

Here are some more tips

Make sure to sort your laundry into groups. It also helps to keep heavy stuff like sweats and jeans separate from light-weight synthetics. Really delicate things, like stockings and underwear, should be washed in a separate load. Also any red articles of clothing should also be washed separately – they tend to run, no matter what. You’ll notice there’s a special setting on your washer for delicates; use it to avoid your machine becoming jammed, unbalanced, or damaging your delicate clothes.

When you load your laundry make sure that all you clothes are below water level. Trying to do too much in one load usually leads to sub-par results. Too big a load means your clothes don’t get clean not to mention that there will likely be a lot of detergent left in your clothes. When you wash heavy items such as towels and sweats it can cause a machine to go off balance and if that happens, just lift the lid, spread out the clothes evenly in the machine, and then close the lid to continue washing. Using front loading machines eliminates the risk of an off balance load plus these types of machines generally do a better job of washing your clothes.

Using the “Permanent Press” cycle and “Wash Warm Rinse Cold” setting on the washing machine is a good choice for pants, skirts, shirts, and 100% cotton clothing. Finally, delicates are usually best washed at the “Wash Cold Rinse Cold” setting on “Permanent Press”.

Heavy towels and sweats should be washed on the “Normal” setting, with hot water for whites and warm or cold water for color items.