Enjoy Geography Learning With the Monopoly Here and Now Game


Are you searching for a means to enjoy time with your kids while educating them about geography? Then you are in luck with the newest edition of the ever-so famous game of Monopoly, Monopoly Here and Now Game World Edition.

The World Edition of this Monopoly game was designed in lieu with many people wanting a game that mirrors the increasing admiration for world travel. As a matter of fact, the Monopoly World Edition is the primary international edition of the game ever introduced. Rather than the traditional properties of Monopoly games in the previous years, this World Edition properties involve cities from all over the globe.

The creators of Monopoly Here and Now, Hasbro, conducted an international vote where individuals could cast their ballots for cities they would have loved to have in the new game. Following almost 6 million votes, Montreal got the chance to become with game’s most costly property, initially held by Boardwalk in the first Monopoly game. Riga, Latvia happened to be second and is the second most costly property, referred to in previous Monopoly games as Park Place.

Moreover, voters wrote in cities that they would have loved to have in the game as well. The cities with the highest number of write-in votes were China, Taipei and Gdynia, Poland, which were included in the Monopoly Here and Now World Edition as the most affordable properties. This edition of the Monopoly game also Edition revamped a lot on the game board, like the Community Chest and Chance cards to mirror various popular events conducted in cities all over the globe. For instance, tourists might go to Spain to experience the Running of the Bulls or New York City for New Year’s Eve.

The Monopoly Here and Now Game (World Edition) is a fabulous game that your loved ones can engage in together and never get bored with. The revamped properties, alongside the new Community Chest and Chance cards, provide children with the opportunity to discover fascinating cities and events on the other side of the globe. After the game, they may even be motivated to look up the various cities and really explore all aspects of geography. Discovering new information has never been this enjoyable with the latest Monopoly game. Your kids will certainly learn so much more than with traditional and usually boring bits of information from those dusty and heavy books.