Brits Tune in and Watch More

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It has been discovered in a recent study that more Brits than ever tuned in to their favorite programs and relaxed at home in 2008, as more people chose to seek their entertainment through the television set.

In the research it was found that each British viewer watched more than 26 hours of television per week during 2008. The report credits the increase to factors including popular shows like The X Factor, bad weather and consumers expecting to weather the economic downturn by staying at home more.

The numbers for 2008 are a record high that has only been matched by numbers from 2003. The survey showed that the number of minutes spent watching television has risen by 48 minutes compared to 2007. During this time, viewers were also privy to an average of 42 advertisements during television programs.

What's more, the study compiled noted that the increase in viewing numbers was consistent across all age groups and demographics. It was also found that the increase in viewers happened across mostly commercial, rather than specialty, channels.

The numbers from the study show that the average person watched 16 hours and 24 minutes of commercial television each week, and it was noted that "compiling programming" was drawing in more viewers each year, with shows like The X Factor and popular series Lost boosting ratings across the board.

The numbers follow research which shows that an increasing number of viewers are turning to online downloads and free online streaming of television shows in order to watch popular series'. The research also showed that viewers are seeking out content in both mediums – both online and through traditional television.

However, one thing is for certain: television viewers have not disappeared, and now they're looking for more variety when it comes to what, and when, they watch on television.

It perhaps comes as no surprise, but as the current economic recession deepens, many people looking for entertainment are choosing to spend more time on their sofas in order to save money. A representative from the recent study added that consumers have so many more options now when it comes to watching television that it's no doubt that questions have increased.

Now viewers can watch even more of their favorite programs when they use services like Sky Plus digital recording. When television fans buy a Sky + box, or similar recording device, they can rest assured knowing they're catching all their favorite shows whenever their best for them.