There are certain plants you just do not want to mess with. It is not worth the risk if you have pets or kids in your yard or home. Here is a list of poisonous plants that I would not feel safe with my kids and pets being around.
1. Rosary Pea is arguably the most poisonous plant known to man. It's scientific name is abrus precatorius. The seed is where the poison is located in the plant. This plant is a vine and can look woody at the base of the plant. This plant is naturally found in tropical locations, but like most plants can thrive in a kitchen window garden.
2. Azalea. All parts of the azalea plant are poisonous, although rarely fatal. Symptoms can be nausea, vomiting, and breathing problems. This is a very popular plant throughout the US and I would guess that most people do not know how dangerous it can be to pets and children. My neighbor planted an azalea and was shocked when I told him how toxic they are to those who are in the habit of stuffing their mouths with plant material.
3. Angel's Trumpet. This is also called brugmansia. All parts of this shrub or small tree contain enough poison to be lethal if ingested. Kids and pets have been known to chew on parts of this plant. Contact with the eyes can cause issues as well. Some counties have outlawed the plant altogether.
4. Daffodil. The bulbs of a daffodil are poisonous, to the point of being fatal. Ingesting the stems or leaves can cause nausea and a host of other problems including headache and blurred vision. Handling daffodils can cause extreme dryness and scaling of the hands.
5. Foxglove. Every part of this plant is poisonous causing heart and digestive trouble to the point of death. This popular herbaceous shrub, also called digitalis, is native to Europe, Asia, and Northwest Africa. It made its way to the US where it continues to reek havoc.
6. Holly. This holiday favorite can add dirrhea and vomiting to your wintertime fun. Holly is a tree or shrub that can grow up to 25 feet tall. Some species are deciduous and others evergreen. It is the berry of the plant that is toxic to people, although some species of birds thrive on them. So in summary, if you like birds more than people, grow a lot of holly.
7. Lilies. Most lilies are poisonous, with cats feeling the most pain, despite human ingestion can cause serious renal failure. I do not understand the hypnotic draw of cats and kids, but keep the lilies out of your yard if you have either. Some owners of annoying cats have reported their neighbors lining the perimeter of their properties with lilies soaked in catnip.