7 Things You Might Have Forgotten to Put in Your Bug Out Bag

Apparel & Accessories

Bug out bags (BOB) have become a pretty big thing over the years. However, some people take very little time to think through what they need to put into their bug out bag. A few granola bars and a flashlight just aren’t going to cut it. When you are building a bug out bag, you have to really think about multiple situations and the things you might need for each situation. Many times, when people build their bug out bags, they forget some of the simplest things, things that could lead to major discomfort, sickness or worse.

Below are seven things you should always remember for your bug out bag. They are pretty simple things, but not everyone remembers these items.

Sun Protection

Imagine having to hike for miles in the sun to get your water or get to safety. What if that hiking is in the scorching heat? Are you prepared? Does your bug out bag have sunblock in it-a wide brimmed hat? A nasty sunburn can not only be uncomfortable, but can be down right dangerous for some people. I suggest packing sunblock with a very high SPF rating as well as a wide brimmed hat to keep the sun off of your face. Also shirts with long sleeves and bandanas for your neck aren’t bad ideas either.


You think you might know your area well, but what if you end up stranded, 30 miles outside of your city? Do you know where to go to find water if you have to? How will you know where to go to find nearby roads, etc.? You won’t unless you have a map. So make that two dollar investment and buy yourself a map.

A Good Knife

This one is huge-having a good knife. A good survival knife will not be one that you pull out of your pocket. You will need a “full tang” knife. This means the blade is fixed and the metal piece of the knife is one solid piece-it doesn’t fold up. Full tang knives are much stronger than a pocket knife and can be used for many more tasks as well. With a full tang knife you can baton wood, make spears, etc. If you don’t have a full tang survival knife in your bug out bag, I suggest you get one. And get a good one too.


If you are stranded on the road in the cold, or the heat is out at your house because of a major storm, how will you warm up or cook? You should have three ways to start a fire in your bug out bag. You should also know how to build a fire with wet tinder. It’s not that hard and could save your life.

Bug Spray

This one doesn’t sound like it’s too important, right? Think again. How are you going to feel having to walk for miles while getting bit by bugs-or having to walk more miles with scores of itchy bug bites on your arms and legs.


This one is pretty simple, have cash in your bag. I’d recommend a couple of thousand dollars. I’d also recommend having some small bills in there. In a crisis, people might not always have change.


Finally, the easiest one of all, and one that can make a huge difference, having the right pair of socks. Make sure you have a pair of wool-blend socks-socks made for hiking. Wool-blend socks pull moisture away from the skin, whereas cotton socks trap moisture in. This leads to painful blisters.

I’d suggest mentally going through different scenarios, bug out situations. As you do, see if you have everything in your bug out bag to address those situations. Also, I’d suggest reviewing your bag every few months-make sure medicines haven’t expired, you didn’t leave something out and batteries are still good.