Washing Lines – My Indoor Eco System

Home & Tools

The picture of a back garden laced with lines with stretcher poles and the daily wash blowing in the breeze is a typical scene from the forties and fifties.

Today we have TV programmes dedicated to lifestyle, which includes the redesign of the back garden to be a place of leisure. Ponds and paving, arbours and flower arranging seem to be the main themes. Complete with a patio, swing seat, table and chairs and even a Co2 producing heater; the leisure garden is the new must have.

In all the articles and reports made for television programmes not one provides a possibility for washing poles and washing lines. In many washing powder advertisements they feature strongly but not so in real life.

My solution is to fit multiway washing lines that are ideal in a bathroom or in the kitchen. Anywhere with two opposite walls where the main housing can be fitted and the special hooks to catch and hold the carrier installed on the opposite wall.

They can be installed outside being permanently available for use on sunny days and with their four washing lines they provide up to 4 metres (69 ft) of washing line space for the daily wash.

For many years the idea of washing lines went out of fashion replaced by the tumble dryer which offered an instant answer to how to dry washing on wet days. However, the tumble dryer has proven to be one of the costliest ways to dry laundry. A report estimates that each tumble dryer consumes an average of 460 Kw/hours per year – and that is just the average!

Multiway washing lines have come into their own in recent years because they are their very own little eco-system. Fully expandable and, of course, retractable they pull out to dry when needed and retract fully to allow full use of space.

Washing lines are a simple, compact solution which dries the wash without dominating the garden. Gives the choice of drying indoors or outdoors and is a flexible eco-friendly drying system for all seasons.