How to Write a Good CV For Bilingual Employment

Automotive & Industrial

If bilingual employment is what you seek then, besides the skills, you need to have a CV that impresses the reader/prospective employer. When applying for a bilingual job you must keep in mind that while there are plenty of jobs available in the market, there are plenty more applying for that job. Writing a CV for a job post that requires candidates that are bilingual is not very different from your regular job application CV. The only thing difference here is the fact that you need to give importance to the different languages that you know and the degree to which you can communicate in them. For example can you only speak the language or can you read, write and speak it etc.

The CV Presentation

Whether you are contemplating on applying for multilingual employment or not there are certain golden rules that one needs to follow in order to have an effective CV. You must remember that presentation is the most important aspect of a CV. Keep it precise and crisp. Use paper that white and do not ‘decorate’ the page with any kind of graphics. Perfect spelling and grammar is extremely important as this says a lot about your personality.

Personal Details

A CV always has 2 parts a personal section and an employment section and a CV for bilingual employment is no different. Use the personal section to fill basic information about yourself including your education. Your achievements and personal interests will also be a part of this section although it might feature at the end of you CV. Ensure that details like your name, address and contact information are correct so that you can be reached if need be.

Professional Details

The professional / employment section of your CV should contain you employment history. You will need to start with where you are currently employed, your designation etc and draw up the list backwards. Therefore your first employer will feature last on the list. A CV always holds more weight if it has a set of references. Include these if you can. The references that you list should preferable be people that you have worked with in the past. Since we are talking about a CV for a bilingual position you might want to emphasis on the various bilingual jobs you’ve had in the past. Bilingual employment services also help with CV writing so you could get a few tips from them as well.