Quantum Economics Part Four – "Formulas of Positive Fluctuations"

Automotive & Industrial

Quantum Economics Part Four "Formulas of Positive Fluctuations"

As explained in previous chapters:

There are in the Iphysical Quantities or so called Grid of Quantum Economics:

1. "Positive Fluctuations" = A

2. "Turning Point" = x

3. and then "Negative Fluctuations" = B

Where the positive fluctuations are empowering the real economy, by promoting growth and after getting to the turning point into the negative fluctuations the same tools of economics start having a negative effect as negative fluctuations.
There are:

1. "Regulatory Parameters" = y

2. "Functional Parameters" = z

Where the regulatory parameters are more long term stationary and the functional parameters are more short term adjustable.

There are:

1. Iquantas = Iq

2. Iglued Plasma = Ig

Where part of iquantas is the market supply and part of iglued plasma is the market demand.

There are tools of economics setting regulatory parameters:

1. Business laws = Bl

2. Contract laws = Cl

3. Exchanges laws = El

4. Bank laws = BAl

5. Environmental laws = El

Where personal liability is enhanced to a maximum to lift the iphisical quantities or so called grid to a higher level of competition. Even changing these tools of economics are irreversible.

There are tools of economics setting functional parameters:

1. Monetary = Mp

2. Fiscal = Pp

3. Social = Sp

4. Madicare = Mdp

5. Educational = Ep

6. Infrastructural = Edp

Where these tools of economics are not considered considered "expenses" but "equity" more like on the demand side of the market, therefor there are more like a balance to the supply like iquantas.

There are iquantas supply like tools af economics:

1. Industrial production = Ips

2. Agricultural production = Acs

3. Service sector production = Sss

4. Return on investments = Ris

5. Equity on investment = Eqs

6. Intellectual properties = Ips

7. Others = Ots

Where these iquantas are to be balanced by the demand oriented regulatory and functional parameters.

The main purpose of the iquantas and iglued plasma balance is to lift the iphysical quantities so called grid without creating big waves.

From the prospective of Quantum Economics the following formulas will establish technical parameters for such balancing.