3 Free Warlock Spells You Can Perform Now

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Here are 3 free warlock spells you can perform right now, or with very little preparation. First we need to talk about a few things before we get to the free warlock spells. A warlock, though it has been given a negative meaning, is nothing more than a male witch. Secondly, before we get to the free warlock spells, we need to talk about what makes a spell powerful.

A spell, in and of itself, is not powerful. It is nothing more than things you do and say. The real power in anything is the person doing that thing. Just as the words I love you are more powerful when you actually mean it than it is when you just say it. You must take the time to practice. To learn and grow and develop as a warlock by living the life of a warlock and developing respect with the natural elements and the universal energies.

First Free Warlock Spells – Flying Spell:

This spell is a good step for learning how to levitate yourself and then move onto the ability to fly. Start on the ledge of something. Make sure the ledge is only about 2 or 3 feet tall as you don’t want to get hurt as you practice this spell.

As you stand on the ledge, clear your mind of everything. This spell requires extreme concentration. If you are thinking about getting hurt or fearful you will fail or thinking about anything other than what you are about to do, you will fail. Focus, focus, focus on the task at hand. Once you are clear and ready, just jump off the ledge.

As you jump off the ledge, attempt to put your entire being and mind into it and miss the ground and move up. Imagine yourself floating. Will yourself to float and fly. You must concentrate, concentrate, concentrate. I can’t tell you enough how a small seed of a thought other than floating will ruin the whole deal. This spell of all the wicca free spells included here takes extreme concentration.

Second Free Warlock Spells – Command Others

To have control over others, go to a solitary place where you will not be disturbed. Burn an incense blend of herbs that represent the energies of control and power. As you do so, recite the following incantation:

“By the power of heaven and earth

let others hearken to my words

by my will, other will listen and

hearken to my command through my will,

it shall it be done right now.”

Third Free Warlock Spells – Speed Up Time

This will allow you to speed up time and make time go faster. You will need a pen that has been blessed in order to perform this spell. You will also want to burn an incense blend of rose petals. Once you have a blessed pen, draw a pentacle on the palm of your left hand and say the following:

“Sands of time, show me thy way.

Turn nights into days.

Rose petals so light and grace,

Speed up time now in this place.”

Remember that it’s not the free warlock spells that make the magic work, it’s the person casting the spell. Take the time to study and learn and develop respect from the elements if you really wish to be a powerful warlock. It doesn’t just happen, and you can’t just wish it to be so.