Explaining Ethanol-Fueled Car Engines

Automotive & Industrial

Now it’s easier than ever to adopt Eco-friendly and “green” driving practices, and save some money while doing it. We are talking about bio-fuels! Ethanol-fueled cars have made an impressive introduction into the automotive market recently. This is because they are a wonderfully viable and cheaper alternative to gasoline engines and vehicles. Although fairly similar to gasoline-powered vehicles, ethanol engines are different because they are capable of utilizing bio-fuel. This is what makes them a fantastic option for eco-friendlier driving and commuting.

Do you want to make the switch to a flex-fuel vehicle, or hybrid car? If so, then catching up on some ethanol fuel information is in your best interest! Better prepare yourself for what to expect from a bio-fuel powered vehicle! Continue reading to learn more about ethyl alcohol fuel and car engines.

Ethanol Fuel

Ethanol is essentially an alcohol fuel. It is extracted from plants, like corn and sugarcane, and then refined into an alcohol. This alcohol is the ethanol fuel! Ethyl alcohol fuels is known best for its high octane and performance levels, increased torque, and improved horsepower; which is why several national racing teams use it for competitions.

It can be used to power ethanol engines, hybrid cars, flex-fuel engines, and other vehicles too! Its works in the same way that gasoline does, by injecting fuel straight into the engine. It’s cheaper than standard oil-based fuels, and it produces substantially less air pollution than gasoline when burned. There are a few downsides to ethyl alcohol fuel, like the fact that it get slightly less gas mileage. But this is combatted with cheaper fuel costs!

Ethanol fuel usage has climbed the charts, drastically, in the past twelve years. It was recorded that ethanol fuel use in 2001 was around 1.7 billion gallons, while just a few years ago (2013) it exceeded 13 billion! Many gas stations now offer ethanol fuel as an option. It is a wonderful alternative to gasoline because it produces less air pollution and costs less to fill a tank. Although gas mileage is not the best, ethyl alcohol fuel is a fantastic start to eco-friendly awareness and productivity. We should expect many vehicles to run on ethanol-based fuels in the future!

Key Differences Between Ethanol and Gasoline:

  • Ethanol comes from corn. Gas comes from fossils.
  • Ethanol is a more environmentally friendly fuel option.
  • Ethanol is water soluble and biodegradable.
  • Ethanol can only be used in specially-designed vehicles.