Not only are there certain things that you should do as a Medic but there are also a few common mistakes that you need to avoid making. For example, if there is a spy in your midst they can be healed by your Medi-Gun and the Ubercharge will work on them. Don’t just get caught up in the moment. If possible try, to keep an eye out for spies so you won’t be healing the enemy.
Don’t think that just because you’re healing, you can’t spy check. Don’t make the mistake of depending on pyros only on your team to spy check. You also shouldn’t depend on the person you’re healing to keep you safe. You have to watch your own back if you want to live.
Don’t get overconfident when you’re protected by the Ubercharge. You can still be killed by some of the environmental hazards and be separated from your target by explosives and rockets. A separation can cause you to die as soon as the charge wears off and land you in the middle of enemy fire which is basically insta-death when the charge wears off.
Try to avoid putting yourself in danger whenever possible. As a Medic you are a prime target for the enemy. They can gain the upper hand by taking you out quickly, so be careful. You’re going to be public enemy number one, especially to spies and snipers who can get you without you even seeing it coming.
The more you play, the easier it will become to incorporate these steps into your game. These are things that can enhance your skills and make you a better Team Fortress 2 Medic so you can be an asset to your team.