Getting To Know Your Wire Before Making Jewelry Part I

Apparel & Accessories

Beginning to work with wire to make jewelry designs requires practice and patience. The most affordable wire to practice with is 18 gauge copper wire. This type of wire is easy to find at hardware stores and often can be found at craft stores too. Once you have practiced enough to feel comfortable with your design, there are a variety of wires to choose from.

There are many qualities of wire to consider when you are making your wire selection. Part of your decision will be based on the project you have chosen. You will need to know the size, type, hardness, color or metal type, and shape of wire needed.

The size of a wire is based on the diameter. In the United States the size of the wire is referred to a gauge. The smaller the gauge number is, the thicker the wire.

To determine the wire needed for a project depends on what it will be used for. If you are using the wire to make jump rings they will warrant using a thicker wire, as opposed to earring wires. They will need to be made with a smaller wire in order to comfortably fit through the ear lobe. Fixed gauge copper is softer than silver, and silver is softer than gold.

There is so much to consider when you begin to make your beautiful wire jewelry pieces. The best way to begin is to buy your practice wire and jump in. The most important part is to have fun while you are creating your masterpiece!


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