Metal Detecting As a Hobby

Hobbies & Toys

I started detecting metal in 1983 when I was 14 years old. After I had saved enough money to my first metal detector – A used Garett (US). It was a monster both in terms of weight and battery consumption, and not particularly easy to use. The development is quick in this area and I recommend that you are careful not to buy used metal detectors that are more than 5 years old.

Electronics have become more sophisticated at the same time that it has been cheaper. Would you like to bet on a metal detector that you can have in any year, so buy rather new.

It's amazing what you can find the coins and jewelry in parks and on beaches. I thrive on good beaches for there are many discoveries. My detector finds include coins, jewelry, buttons, belt-buckle, and tools from the 1700s and beyond. The picture above shows the results as I did during my first year and Fisher 1265-X metal detector that set the industry standard for performance and ease of use when it came.

The library can be a great source if you want to investigate local history and the discovery of ancient marketplaces, taverns, a party / dance places and other areas where it is possible to find the lost value. By reading history and look at old photographs, maps and sketches, one can find many interesting areas. Through time, there has been a custom to dig down their valuables, and much is not unearth again.

If you want to bet on this hobby you should get a metal detector of quality that has good range and can separate out the garbage in order to reduce the digging to a minimum. Fisher F2 metal detector and Fisher 1236-X2 metal detector is the popular new models. As a gift to children, or for those who are only required to have an affordable metal detector to locate lost trinket or keys, there are cheaper options such as Bounty Hunter Junior metal detector.

While I have over many years used a Fisher CZ-70 Quicksilver metal detector that has gone to be one of the coolest metal detectors on the market. But the summer of 2007 I switched to the new Fisher F75 metal detector which is an anniversary model for Fishers 75 years as a leading manufacturer of metal detectors.

I am very pleased with Fisher F75 and can give it a warm recommendation of the people who are looking for the best. It is a great progress in key areas including discrimination, identification, signal separation, ergometri (low weight and good balance) and depth of reach.

Theory and background

A metal detector consists of the principle of a radio transmitter and radio receiver with their separate circular antenna on the search head. A radio signal concentrated into the earth and reflected back to the receiver, if it hits the metal.

The principle was discovered by accident at the end of 20-years of Gerhard Fisher, the founder of Fisher Research Laboratory. In his efforts to develop a navigation system for air crafts and air skips using radio signals, he discovered that the interference occurred in the vicinity of buildings with large metal roof. Fisher was the first to discover that the metals reflect radio signals. It is this feature metal detectors exploits.

Fisher Research Laboratory is currently the world renowned for their metal detectors to industry and hobby. Fishers delivery program includes a variety of measuring instruments which in addition to metal detectors includes leak candidates, cable applicants and cable error applicants.

Einstein was wrong.

In 1931 began Gerhard Fisher in the production of metal detectors and other measuring instruments in his garage along with 4 employees, Palo Alto, California in the United States. Albert Einstein had heard about this young inventor, and visited Fisher to learn more about a radio based navigation system that Fisher had found up.

When Fisher presented his latest invention, METALLASCOPE which was later renamed M-SCOPE, Einstein shook his head. This product had little faith in Einstein. M-SCOPE, however, turned out to be a scoop for Fisher and far more important than the other products. "The factory" was soon more orders than they could handle, and Fisher had to expand its operations.

M-SCOPE users around the world was apparently not agree with Einstein. They used M-SCOPE to locate hidden metal; preferably valuable metal veins, buried or lost value.

Today Fisher metal detectors find application in a number of areas next to the search for coins, jewelery and noble metals. Localization of tanks, stop the cranes, surveying points, pipes and cables, reinforcement, lost tools, mines, metallic evidence and weapons are a few examples of important tasks for the Fisher metal detectors today.

Fisher's success shows that Einstein did wrong. Each year produced thousands of metal detectors that ends up with users around the world. They bear Fishers all well-known M-SCOPE logo as a salute to the first metal detector.

Another important thing to note is the digging technique. One must not do damage to lawns and other vegetation. There are several methods to dig up objects in a lenient way. Click here for the proposed procedure by unearthing.

Here are some good guidelines that all the metal detectorsists should follow.

-Do not use metal detectors without the landowner's permission.
-Leave an area cleaner than when you came. Please include junk you are digging up.
-Fill always left your hole. Learn to dig in a way that is traumatic for grass and other vegetation.
-Follow all laws that affect for memories and areas. Metal detecting in such areas is prohibited.
-Return valuable objects if you can find the owner.
-Do what you can to put this hobby in a positive light.