Laser Hair Removal Treatment – Skin Care After the Procedure

Health & Sports

You might wonder if you had done proper treatment for your skin after your laser hair removal treatment. If you had applied the right moisturizers, if it is recommended to apply make-up and other stuffs that you don’t know if it would damage your treated skin. However, this article aims to present the right treatment for your skin right after your laser hair removal treatment.

Right after your laser hair removal treatment, your skin would automatically feel fluffy, painful or uncomfortable to touch, would look red and swollen. The moment you arrived home, you have to continue putting a cold compress on the treated area. This is done to numb your skin so you won’t feel any pain and it will also reduce the swelling. Aside from this, you could also put ice packs or you could use a hand towel, dipped in cold water, and apply it repeatedly on your skin. Do this for as long as necessary. Meaning, for as long as you couldn’t feel any pain anymore. Normally, it takes 2-3 hours of doing this, before the pain would subside.

Within 24 hours after your treatment, you should avoid sweating. Do not exercise or do something strenuous. It is because sweating will cause irritation to the treated skin. However, you also need to avoid using deodorant, if the treated skin is on your underarms. Deodorant might irritate your extra sensitive skin. What you need to do is to clean the area with a gentle cleanser or soap.

Applying moisturizing creams to your treated skin could also help your skin in healing itself. However, please do not use antibacterial creams since they would dry your skin and would ultimately irritate it. Moreover, within 5 days to 1 week, you can’t shave, wax, tweeze, pluck nor bleach the treated area. Your skin is too sensitive at that time for these abrasive methods, which might lead to irritation, infection and inflammation. You can only resume shaving after 1 week. But no waxing, tweezing, plucking and bleaching until you have finished all the required treatments as prescribed by your laser specialist.

One more thing, it is very important to apply sunblock on the treated skin. Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun by using sunblocks with higher SPF, 30 or more. Do not, under any circumstances, parade into the sun without any protection. There is a high possibility of burning, swelling or infection.

If you had done everything I’ve mentioned above, then rest assured you are doing well in taking care of your skin right after a laser hair removal treatment.