How to Get the Best Basketball Workout

Health & Sports

If you are just starting out in the world of basketball you may be curious as to what is in store for you. The very first thing that you need to know is that it is very important to have a great basketball workout at least every day. This will help you stay at your optimal performance level during basketball season. Once you get into a great basketball workout routine you will increase your goals and increase your performance.

Main Basketball Workout Tips

• When you start your basketball workouts, practice for one full hour on the court and at least 45 minutes in the weight room.
• Basketball training should be done at least seven hours a week but no more than eight.
• Always ask someone for help if you are unsure of what training methods you should use.
• Don’t forget to work the key areas of your body, such as your legs and upper body. This will give you an optimal figure for basketball training.

Workouts for the Weight Room

Many people who start basketball training in the weight room just go in and simply lift weights. For the best basketball practice it is better to do different exercises instead of focusing on just lifting weights. Doing exercises like deadlifts, chin-ups, rows, dumbbell presses, split squats and squats will help you to increase your basketball skills. Do not go back into the weight room each day and do the same number of repetitions of each exercise. Always make sure that you do more than you did the day before. This will help you increase your skill level which in turn will help you play better in basketball.

Vertical Lift Jumping For Basketball Workouts

Having your feet strong is one of the greatest keys in basketball. Basketball workouts are best suited when they include plenty of foot strengthening exercises. One of these great exercises is called the vertical lift jump. The vertical lift jump increases your foot strength which in turn helps you to play basketball much better than someone who has not had basketball training with vertical lift jumping.

Some great tips for vertical lift jumping are:

• Always remember to train barefoot or if not a shoe that lets you feel through it.
• Practice jumping rope which will help you to get your plantar muscles stiff and make your ankles stronger.
• Practice jumping and make sure that you master a high speed.

Following these tips will help you to maximize your goals on the basketball field. Remember that basketball workouts will help you and you should never miss a basketball training session. Making sure that you practice every day will help you to make sure you are at your strongest and at your peak performance level. Always be sure to get support from your coaches and other teammates when doing a basketball workout. The coaches can help you practice to the best of your ability and encourage you to work hard on your basketball workout. Remember that practice makes perfect and always remember to focus on quality and not quantity during your basketball training.