Erectile Dysfunction Causes


Erectile dysfunction (ED) alias "impotence". It is a common medical condition affecting millions of men worldwide, and may also be an undesirable side effect from some medications. It is estimated that it affects one in every ten men. Because it's so common, medical science has been inventing treatments for it.

Impotence may be an early warning sign that you are at risk of coronary heart disease (the arteries that go to your heart are narrowed). Impotence is not a disease, but a secondary condition bought on by other, primary causes. About 85% of impotence problems are due to a physical cause, such as disease, injury, or drug side effects.

Penile erectile dysfunction affects more than a mans sexual activity. The emotions that co-occur with this condition often have an important effect on a self-esteem.

Psychological factors are responsible for about 10% -20% of all cases of ED. It is often a secondary response to a fundamental physical cause. They often base from nervousness, performance anxiety or fear of failure during lovemaking. Psychological factors in impotence are often secondary to physical causes, and they magnify their significance.

Erectile dysfunction can be frustrating, but it can be controlled. Erections can take more time to be acquired and may not be as firm or may require more effort and stimulation to accomplish. Men may also observe that their orgasms are less intense, the ejaculate volume reduced and refractory period between erections may have increased.

Psychological therapists can be very helpful to decrease the anxiety that you feel when placed in a sexual situation, causing the problem to appear smaller in your mind and making it easier to achieve an appreciation. Many find it useful to have their partners with them within the context of the therapy so that an anxiety-free environment can be set up prior to the sexual experience.

Impotence is also related to generally poor physical health, bad dietary habits, overweight, cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease.

Impotence is now a treatable condition. Men can take prescription medications under advice of medical practiceer.